Thursday, August 17, 2006

Straight boys

You know, I really just don't get straight boys.*

What is it with getting naked and other such homoerotic shenannigans with your mates?

Can anyone explain it?

Maybe its a sublimated expression of conflicted same-sex desire?

Or maybe its just some deeply ingrained sense of male humour that I just don't get?

Any suggestions that this post is actually an excuse to fetishise, ogle or objectify heterosexual men will be strongly denied.

Well, ok, perhaps not that strongly.

Maybe a bit.

Gosh, what about that bastard of a Prime Minister, hey?

(Thanks to Dan in Ok City, from whom I stole the pics.)


Anonymous said...

I think it's a case of dares. The need for the exertion of masculinity vis-a-vis those whom you, theoretically, shouldn't have anything to hide from.

Anonymous said...

I doubt I made sense there. So let me try again: In a very lateral sort of way, one that needs further working on... here.

Cade said...

Not everything is about sex. I think gay people tend to over sexualize some situations or look to justify themselves by comparison with straight behavior. Some things are just fucking funny. Like dicks and bums and mooning. Get ya bits out and dont think about sex and you will have a good time if you are staight, gay or a monkey who normaly wears a nappy.

Cade said...

A cock is power. Simple as that.

So who holds the power?

Mel said...

It definitely smacks of sublimation. Case in point: Jay's comment.

don't think about sex
don't think about sex
don't think about sex